We The Builders

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Youknowwho4eva, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Over a year ago, long time member Todd Blatt (username Baltimore) started a project to get people from all over to 3D print pieces of George Washington. The project group is known as We The Builders. Their next project is a 198 piece Benjamin Franklin print! So anyone that has the time and a home 3D printer can participate.

    This got me thinking, what kind of Shapeway Co-op project could we come up with?
  2. KokodaTrailModels
    KokodaTrailModels Well-Known Member
    Anything that is complete to design, but easy to understand would be a good idea. What I mean by that is a building like the Empire State Building. It's really just a big rectangle with some curves, so the design idea is simple, but the detail would be very fine.

    The co-op project doesn't have to be a building, but that's the kind of thing that people instantly recognize and would enjoy seeing come to fruition. Everyone likes seeing a building slowly being built in real life.

    Just a thought.
  3. PrettySmallThings
    PrettySmallThings Active Member
    A crowd-sourced diorama could be interesting... Set a scale and a theme. Hard to pick a scale so that everyone (ships, trains, people, furniture, buildings) could all participate, but could be done. Not sure whether a top down approach with some preplanning, or a free-for-all-see-what-comes-in approach is best, but the results might be interesting! I'd suggest something a little fantastical like Steam Punk Christmas Village, or Train Ride on the Moon, etc.

    Overall, any project where many individual designs could make up a coordinating set and allow for individuality might be interesting. Easier, I think, that trying to build something that assembles into one object.
  4. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    I was thinking a similar idea. A building, that designers can create what ever they want, that fits a certain area. They can then pay to print it in whatever material they want, and we assemble the building. Maybe send the pieces to different shows we do and build it up for all to see.
  5. Daphne
    Daphne Well-Known Member
    I would make a miniature carnival. Moving parts, people, a freak show with crazy creatures. Let the creativity run!
  6. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Well.. any carnival needs to have a Ferris Wheel

  7. UniverseBecoming
    UniverseBecoming Well-Known Member
    ^ LOL!

    Eventually you're going to have the whole world in your SHOP! HAHAHA! :D
  8. MrNib
    MrNib Well-Known Member
    Maybe this could be done in conjunction with a museum that wants to install a 3D printed diorama, kind of like the large HO train installation at the Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago. Might as well do it for a public place where you might be able to go and visit your contribution.
  9. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Sounds like a good project for a miniatures special interests group!?
  10. Sloris
    Sloris Member
    I really like the carnival idea.

    Another concept is a miniature world's fair. Shapies could submit individual exhibitions or work together to create something more elaborate.

    world's fair.jpg