One item - different materials - different files

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by NikkruGadgets, May 22, 2014.

  1. NikkruGadgets
    NikkruGadgets Well-Known Member

    I would like to suggest to have the option to upload several files for the same item since the material guidelines can be very different.

    For example, strong and flexible plastics need a wall thickness of only 0,7mm and is printed in a much higher resolution than full colour sandstone which needs 2mm.

    So uploading something for strong and flexible will make it too fragile to be printed in sandstone and uploading something to be printed in sandstone would make the strong and flexible print uneccessarily expensive. Also, the texture data with the UV map can make the file twice as big which means the fullcolour resolution/polycount might have to be smaller which is fine for sandstone but possible too undetailed for plastics.

    So instead of having multiple versions of the same item in the shop, it would be convenient to upload different models for the same items for each material group. So if plastic is ordered an stl version with a 0,8mm wall will be printed and if sandstone is ordered an x3d with 2mm version
  2. HOLDEN8702
    HOLDEN8702 Well-Known Member

    This isn't exactly what you are asking for, but this could help you.

    I've adding links to another models in the description zone.

    This is what I'm talking about:

    links in description space.jpg

    This is how i've do it:
    ------------------------------------------------------------ ------
    Full Color Sandstone Model, over two inches Maintenance Drone, Service Robot for a Cargo Spaceship. It's about 1/20 scale.<br>
    My version of the kindly tender robots from an ancient 1971 Sci-Fi film. Louie dissapeared when the spaceship crossed the rings of Saturn, even before the pilot gave it a name . This robots are really the grandparents of Wall-e. Go Scrapped, ArToo-DeeToo.<br>
    The figure displays two arms types, retracted or deployed to be glued on it.<br>

    Available in my shop models of the three Robots from the film:

    <a href=" i=my-models&materialId=6">

    <img src=" 153024_1392012248.jpg" align="middle" height="150px"></a>

    <a href=" =my-models&materialId=6">

    <img src=" 152351_1392001439.jpg" align="middle" height="150px"></a>

    <a href=" i=my-models&materialId=6">

    <img src=" 153028_1392012334.jpg" align="middle" height="150px"></a>

    ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ----
    <br> is jump line
    <hr> is a straight line to separate from text (not necessary)
    You have yo put your model link after <a href=" and don't forget to close with ">
    You have yo put your model photo link after <img src=" and don't forget to close with "></a>
    Your model photo link you can obtain it clicking right on the model big photo and selecting "copy the image path".

    Best you can do is a copy-paste of my reply and add your own changes.

    I hope this helps you.

    Best regards


  3. NikkruGadgets
    NikkruGadgets Well-Known Member
    Oh, I didn't actually consider differently textured models as variants. I know how to make html links but thanks for the advice.
    It would be nice to have it all in "one place" though and have a cleaner model library.

    Another neat function would be if using face colours instead of textures to have the customer have to option to edit the face colours
  4. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    Nice way of splitting your models, Holden8702!!
  5. HOLDEN8702
    HOLDEN8702 Well-Known Member
    I try, Thanks! ;-D