Intricate Dreamer Mask Pendant (brass & silver)

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by lumecluster, May 4, 2014.

  1. lumecluster
    lumecluster Member
    So, I finally shrank down my Dreamer Mask: Illumination design to a pendant size. More photos in the link below: .html

    It was something I've been putting off for a while, but I finally pushed myself to complete it! Only thing I'm sad about is that I had to cut down on the design details in order to fulfill the thickness requirements. Even so, I'm thrilled to finally have my first jewelry pieces in my hands! :D Would love to know your thoughts. Thank you!

  2. EricHo
    EricHo Well-Known Member
    These are beautiful and amazing but you already knew that. Awesome job, your masks look great in pint size and metal. We will be sharing these on social media this week.
  3. lumecluster
    lumecluster Member
    Thanks Eric :D I was worried about using raw silver/brass, but it came out a lot better than I imagined! Wish I could do polished, but I'd have to thicken the design or enlarge the mask...not sure I want to do that (yet).