Strong & Flexible Thickness

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 542178_deleted, May 1, 2014.

  1. Hi all,

    I would like to print a doll in 3D using the polished color version of the strong & flexible material, and was wondering what the appropriate thickness should be, so that the object is flexible, but also so that it does not appear transparent through light.

    Thanks for your help!
  2. HOLDEN8702
    HOLDEN8702 Well-Known Member

    Take a look in material rules portfolio: tic

    But if you want a relatively flexible doll, she have to be thin.

    But if you want to avoid a traslucent effect, then the thickness of the material reduces to 0 the flexibility.

    My advise? Make a test printed model.

    This part is less than a milimeter thick:


    Good luck with the doll. Regards.
