Beekeeper Chess Collection: Queen

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by Mediums_Gate, Mar 26, 2014.

  1. Mediums_Gate
    Mediums_Gate Member
    Queen in polished brass





  2. Mediums_Gate
    Mediums_Gate Member


  3. EricHo
    EricHo Well-Known Member
    Queen B! So good!
  4. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    When are we going to start seeing these on a board?
  5. Mediums_Gate
    Mediums_Gate Member
    Thanks EricHo
  6. Mediums_Gate
    Mediums_Gate Member
    Hopefully by the 3rd or fourth week of April. I plan on meeting with my photographer and taking pics of all the pieces then. If Shapeways stays consistent with how fast they ship out metals, I should have the knight here Friday and the rook by next Tuesday :) for this photo shoot it will probably be a glass board. I have concepts for a stylized chess board that I would like to offer with this collection. unfortunately the 3d print process just isn't cost effective for the dimensions I need. Too bad you guys don't offer glass any more, that would have been special. I'll be putting a poll together soon to see if people would like to have a board to go with the collection. If it's what the people want, then I'll look for ways to produce it.
  7. Mediums_Gate
    Mediums_Gate Member
    Also, may I ask what casting house does Shapeways use?
    If I had a model that exceeded any of the maximum dimensions, could I cut that model so it would print in smaller parts and then have the casting house reassemble them to make the larger cast?