How to locate small defects in Netfabb

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by jumpjack, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. jumpjack
    jumpjack Member
    Sometimes my models have such tiny defects (holes or inverted triangles), or they're so buried inside the model, that I can't see them in Netfabb, although I know they're there due to the damned exclamation mark.

    Is there a method to make Netfabb zoom to the single defects, or show them in transparency if hidden, or any other method different from using zoom 1000x and scanning manually each single triangle in my model?

    Additionally: do "multiple shells" in Netfabb mean that the model is not printable? I can't get rid of them!

    note: I know defects are higlighted in Netfabb.... but mine are not visible being too small.
  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Open the file in Netfabb.
    Click Repair.
    1) Right click the main body of the item and pick "Select this Shell"
    2) Right click again and pick "Remove all Selected Triangles"

    What you be left with is all of the "orphan/foating" shells.
    This gives you a good view of what is going wrong.

    Note: you'll obviously want to discard this repair instead of keeping it.. this is just a method to show you what is going on.

    Once you have confirmed that the the floating items won't affect your main shell:

    Click Repair.
    1) Right click the main body of the item and pick "Select this Shell"
    2) Right click again and pick "Extract Selected Triangles as Part"
    3) Right click again, and pick "Export"