View Public Shop should give you the view that the Public get

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by AmLachDesigns, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    When I select View Public Shop I get a view of the shop which has prices for all items, even if they are not for sale.

    Imo this is incorrect, this view should do what it says on the tin, i.e. allow shopkeepers to see what the customer's view is.
  2. HazelwoodModels
    HazelwoodModels Well-Known Member
    Try signing out, to get the view of the casual observer.
  3. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    Yes there are workarounds - but why does it not work as it should? It's called 'View Public Shop", not "See a view that isn't My Models but also isn't what the Customer Sees'...
  4. HazelwoodModels
    HazelwoodModels Well-Known Member

    I understand, I had the same concern myself. To divulge the Shapeways Cost
    would kill any sales prospects. Goo test is to enter the site without signing in.
  5. Bathsheba
    Bathsheba Well-Known Member
    Agree that this does not work correctly and should be either renamed or repaired.
  6. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Most browsers have an "Incognito" mode - you can see what your customers see with a single right-click and selecting Incognito
  7. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    That is a cunning ,idea, Stony, but the purpose of my post was to point out that this functionality is incorrect, like so many of the Shop handling pages.

    I imagine that SW is keen for more of its designers to set up shops and make them as good as can be, to increase Print throughput (for obvious reasons). And yet the way the pages are structured and the errors within those pages makes the whole process very tiresome and frustrating. A positive dis-incentive, in fact, to setting up a shop or adding new products with more than perfunctory details.
