Printing settings for jewels?

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by raw_gd, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. raw_gd
    raw_gd Member
    Hey guys!
    So I don't even know if anyone will be able to help me with this question, because I guess knowledge of stonesetting is kind of required.. But I'll try anyway aha.
    Is it possible to design something in say bronze, with prongs to set a gem / stone into? Can bronze be molded post-print?

    Thanks guys!

  2. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    I don't know about bronze, but silver definitely can.

    See this post/thread.

    And this one 64417

    I'm sure other designers have info too, but these are what sprang to mind.
  3. raw_gd
    raw_gd Member
    So I've been thinking about it, and on the bronze material page says that anything thinner than 1mm can warp, so I suppose I could bend prongs that are 0.8mm thick over the top of the stone? I'm only thinking of using synthetic cabochon stones, so they'll be flat backed and round.
  4. PrettySmallThings
    PrettySmallThings Active Member