using inventors thread plug in

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by Reed8866, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Reed8866
    Reed8866 Member
    ok so i've been working on a lightsaber project and i'm have it in two part to allow room for the electronics.
    i used the inventor program with the 3d thread tool add on to make the screw thread. i printed my parts and the threads are almost right they are 1/16th off. i've tried editing the extruded parts by making them 1/16 thicker but then the 3d threading tool wouldn't work.

    anyone got any ideas?
  2. FreeRangeBrain
    FreeRangeBrain Active Member
    I haven't used the 3D thread tool in inventor. Assuming you can't make a custom thread specification using that tool, you may need to model the thread manually. Use the Coil command. I'd recommend tinkering with it in a separate file first until you are confident you have the geometry you need. For a snug fit in WSF or alumide leave 0.005" to 0.006" clearance between mating faces.