Description field of items

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by 160722_deleted, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Is it possible to setup the description text box to MAINTAIN BASIC TEXT FORMATTING?

    You know

    kind of carriage returns you find on the oldest of old timey type writers.
    I'm not even asking for HTML support here.. just simple.. I click enter and the text moves and stays a line down.

    The ability to format text into a readable area makes it a more useable area.
    Not everything list is "My Little Pony Knock Off".

  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Both the <br> and <p> tag are supported in description fields (unless this changed very recently)
  3. *facepalm*

    so... html is cool but standard carriage returns get ignored?
    That's a first.. ok thanks for that!
  4. I took the liberty of proving my point.

    Guess I'll start manually typing <br> instead of using the return key as intended by the makers of typewriters way back when.

    ; )


    Attached Files:

  5. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    It all depends - I find myself previewing my forum posts and editing out all the carriage returns I typed inadvertently at the end of a line at my current browser window size as they
    tend to
    writing at any other window size... :D
  6. We typically
    Do little bullet points
    Like this
    To help showcase
    The various features

    As opposed to some run on statement like this which no one really wants to read about a product they've already forgotten about.

    The HTML works... so thanks for that. Copy Pasta the <br> for the win.
    As an ex web designer this is :rolleyes: but whatever it works