Walls too thin?

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 23255_deleted, Sep 2, 2009.

  1. 23255_deleted
    23255_deleted Member
    Hi there,

    I'm still trying to create this double DIN adapter. Since it is much too expensive I'm trying to make it hollow. A file says a thousand words.

    I get the following error message:

    I guess the walls are too thin. But my software says they are more than 2mm everywhere. I'd absolutely appreciate it if someone could investigate this issue... again.



    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  2. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    I got that error when I exported a stl in inches and in an attempt of being lazy and just shrinking the file, I selected mm on shapeways. What software are you using?
  3. 23255_deleted
    23255_deleted Member
    I use Cinema4D R11 in combination with MeshLab to check for holes and invert face normals. C4D seems to have a bug in its STL export plugin. It always exports STL with inverted normals. But that's not the problem. If it had been, Shapeways would have sent me another message.

    An upload in WRL format by the way results in the same message. I haven't tried any other format so far.

    In C4D my default unit is millimeter, so I think I have to choose the same unit in the Shapeways upload dialog. I don't want to get an object that is 25.4 times the size that it's actually supposed to have. :)

    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  4. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    Try it just to see if it works, if it does make it too big just delete it. Then you'll know it is too small
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2009
  5. 25182_deleted
    25182_deleted Member
    Here's the problem bud. Your bottom plane is just a face over the hollow sections.

    Just so you know, your hollow section is going to be full of build powder with no way to get it out unless you drill a hole into it.

  6. 23255_deleted
    23255_deleted Member
    Err, I'm afraid I haven't got it, yet.

    Please have a look at the picture I have attached. As you can see the holes in the bottom are open. I've also checked the inside of the holes. There is no face covering the holes.

    Attached Files:

  7. 23255_deleted
    23255_deleted Member
    Here is another picture I've just created with MiniMagics (thanks to Shapeways for this advice). Also, no face covering the holes in the bottom of the object.

    Attached Files:

  8. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hi SeveQ,

    I just uploaded your STL file with size unit mm and everything went fine. I also manually checked the model and it's all perfectly manifold, normals oriented fine etc.

    So I'm not sure what the problem is?


  9. 23255_deleted
    23255_deleted Member
    Eh, what? Have you Shapeways people changed something to the checking algorithms? Now it works and I definitely haven't changed anything to the object, just uploaded the same file again. *confused* :eek:

  10. bartv
    bartv Member
    I checked and I don't believe we did an update after you posted your message. Not sure what caused this..


  11. 23255_deleted
    23255_deleted Member
    Huh! Weird... :confused

    Well then, I'd say, consider this issue solved. Thanks for your help though.