Close-ups of new material options

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by bartv, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. bartv
    bartv Member

    I printed a handful of sample models to compare our material options. I think they came out rather cute :)

    Blog post: We Have Monkey Babies!


  2. macouno
    macouno Member
    Hey great.. good examples as well. I just placed an order though and saw a new option: White strong and flexible?

    What sort of stuff is that? And how strong? Is it "safe to give to a kid as a toy strong" or... "can fall off your tv without breaking a leg strong"... the latter happened to a prototype of mine ;)
  3. pete
    pete Shapeways Employee CEO

    it is Nylon made using the SLS technique. It is quite strong. If the model is not too heavy you can drop from some height.

    Hope this helps,