Curate our Homepage!

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by 7943_deleted, Feb 1, 2013.

  1. 7943_deleted
    7943_deleted Member
    Hey guys, I've heard a lot that you want to see more variety of products on our site, and not the same products over and over. So, starting next week, I invite you to CURATE OUR HOMEPAGE!

    Our homepage is where we highlight models we love, now we're opening it up for you to show us your favorites! As of next week, our homepage is going to be YOUR space. So we want to see your finds!

    Here's some guidelines:

    Pick 8-12 models and favorite them. You must have at least 8 as that is how many slots are on the homepage!

    You can select one of your own models of course, but try to stick to just one ;)

    Optional but encouraged: Pick a theme - whether it be trains or a special occasion, a theme helps to bring a sense of style to the page.

    Email with your list of selections - please include the URL links to the product pages and to YOUR shop as well, so we can highlight you!

    We will select the best curations to feature on the homepage

    Can't wait to see your entries!
    To kick us off, here's my "White Theme." on the blog: ate-our-Homepage.html