New shop open (Mathsculptures)

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by 15762_deleted, Jun 27, 2012.

  1. 15762_deleted
    15762_deleted Member
    Hi All,
    I've been a shapeways member for quite a while 2009/2010.
    I've finally found time begin my shop. The current models are a collection of desktop sculptures.
    I look forward to feedback and advice regarding my models and the shop.

    Thanks in advance
  2. Bathsheba
    Bathsheba Well-Known Member
    Welcome, space brother.

    Word to the wise: Shapeways' default images don't tend to move the product. Photos of real prints work best, but for better results you might render them out a little more sexy-like.
  3. 15762_deleted
    15762_deleted Member
    Thanks for the advice. I have ordered prints and am waiting for these to arrive.
    As soon as I have these I'll be updating the product shots.
