shopping cart is broken!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by designerica, Nov 16, 2011.

  1. designerica
    designerica Member
    made a purchase this afternoon and everything was fine. trying to make another, and some time this afternoon the shopping cart started looking wrong. the images are huge, there is no header, and i can't scroll down far enough to make a purchase.

    it looks the same on firefox/windows, firefox/mac, chrome/mac and safari/mac. i tried restarting, emptying my cache, etc. nothing fixes it. please either fix this or advise me because i'd really like to give shapeways hundreds of dollars right now.

    Attached Files:

  2. 9694_deleted
    9694_deleted Member
    Erica, any chance you could post a screen cap as opposed to a .tiff?

    Also, just out of curiosity, how many items were you trying to place an order for? Have you ever placed an order that large in the past?

  3. designerica
    designerica Member
    i think i've placed larger orders in the past. 14 items. i'll try deleting some.

    is this image better? same image, different format.

    Attached Files:

  4. designerica
    designerica Member
    the trash can icon doesn't do anything. i can't delete items from the cart.
  5. designerica
    designerica Member
    still not working. looks worse today. is this just me? does the shopping cart look right for other people? that seems unlikely since i tried two operating systems and 4 browsers.
  6. barrys
    barrys Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    I cleared your cart, I think it should work again now.


  7. designerica
    designerica Member
    yes, THANK YOU!

    i hope this was a bug that is now fixed.

    i spent most of yesterday uploading files only to have to wait 24 hours to buy them.
  8. barrys
    barrys Shapeways Employee Dev Team
    No it's not fixed, but with the new checkout that's coming up in the next release this shouldn't be a problem anymore as we will store the cart in a different way.

