Earbud wrap

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by philnolan3d, Nov 13, 2011.

  1. philnolan3d
    philnolan3d Well-Known Member
    This is my first Shapeways print and I was very excited to get it so I've been showing everyone. I have a feeling one person would really like one so I might order another one for her. But I just wonder about the strength of WSF. The walls of my model are nearly as thin as is allowed. Is it strong enough to keep in a pocket or purse?


    Last edited: Nov 13, 2011
  2. TreadshotA1
    TreadshotA1 Member
    What's the minimum thickness? If its 1.5mm or more, then it should hold up. Any less, and it's a risk, though I've had parts succeed at only 1mm before. Regardless, the round shape and overall smoothness should aid in the design's durability, as the forces can be dispersed through it easier, and also won't be as easy for other objects to get a grip on your wrap, so to speak.

    At any rate, the wrap looks great. How large is it? And also, do you plan to paint it?
  3. philnolan3d
    philnolan3d Well-Known Member
    Thanks, my thinnest area is about .9mm, which is the top and bottom of the "donut" The who thing is 2" across. As you can see, my original 3D model had some clips to the side of each notch that didn't come out in the print, but that's OK, it seems to work without them. As for painting I think I'm happy with the indigo color Shapeways did, although it did cost a little more.