best material for key ring?

Discussion in 'Finishing Techniques' started by 92397_deleted, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. 92397_deleted
    92397_deleted Member
    Hi guys, i need help.

    I have made a model of a house (the actual house of a friend) in AutoCAD, now i'd like to print the model as a key ring using, therefor the printed object has to be pretty small (about 30mm on the longest side) and that's where the problems begin. I'd like to have every detail visible (roof beams, windows, entry door, intern walls, the painted stripes around the windows [sorry don't know the correct term, i'm german:/ ]). Also as it's being used as a key ring the object has to be pretty resistant against abraison and pounding.
    At the moment the intern walls are too thin i guess (about 0.4mm), also the overlapping roof (which might be a problem in general?)
    Walls, roof beams (not in the pictures yet, they will be holding the overlapping roof) and the roof i think i could blow up to 0.6 to 0.8mm.

    Do you think this is doable?
    Do you have any tips (maybe ditch the walls and make it solid!?)
    And what material do you think would be best for this project?

    -the overlapping roof should not break off (picture 2, arrow)
    - details should be visible (picture 1, also the highlighted painted part around the windows)

    thanks in advance :)

    the model isn't finished yet: doors, windows, roof beams, anchor are missing

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. lensman
    lensman Well-Known Member
    Well, stainless steel for strength, but I don't think this would print in s/steel - you may run into "thin wall" errors.

    Perhaps get it made in WSF and then have it metal plated somewhere else? See the recent thread here regarding this process.

  3. 92397_deleted
    92397_deleted Member
    Do you think FUD or WSF polished without metal plating would be to easily breakable?

    I've seen test videos of a german computer&technics magazin and the plastic materials looked quite strong. (they had a man stand on a cube with online 2mm walls).
    Also the plastics materials are supposed to be flexible so that makes me think the overlapping roof for example shouldn't break off so easily.
    Am i wrong here?
  4. lensman
    lensman Well-Known Member
    Comments I've seen here re FUB would seem to indicate it is not strong. I think WSF would be more than strong enough.

  5. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
  6. 92397_deleted
    92397_deleted Member
    can i ask how thick your cube walls and the gears are?

    The exterior walls of my house are at the moment 1.2mm thick. Since it's a house, the exterior walls and the roof would form a kind of cube, too, so i think the internal walls would have to be so strong after all.
    In the description of FUD it says it's slightly flexible which in my opinion sounds perfect for the overlapping roof, so it can't break off that easily.
  7. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    cube walls are 1mm at thinest point. gears are I believe 0.5mm
  8. 92397_deleted
    92397_deleted Member
    well i think i won't get problems due to stability in this case.

    could you say some more about the grade of detail?
    what would you say has the smoother surface, WSF (polished) or FUD?
  9. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    FUD by far when it comes out write. WSF when FUD comes out wrong. WSF is very porous. I have a few models on order in polished WSF looking to see how that comes out.

    Please note my design does not have straight lines. The base shape is essentially a cube with a sphere cut out. This is much stronger then just a hollow cube. If you go 1mm all around your walls may flex. I don't know for sure.
  10. 92397_deleted
    92397_deleted Member
    would you say WSF is in general not a good choice for a key ring?
    and what do you mean with "when it comes out right"? Do i have any influence on that or does just the quality differ so much from print to print?

    you might have a point with the geometry of your cube.

    FUD looks quite transparente, don't you think this wouldn't look too good for my model?
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2011
  11. mctrivia
    mctrivia Well-Known Member
    fud comes out yellow. and is translucent.

    wsf would not be good choice unless you soack it in some kind of resin as it is very porous and would get perma dirty quick in your pocket. see post production forum for ideas on that.

    ideal would be electro plated wsf also see post production forum.