adding COLOR for ZCorp color

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 49544_deleted, Jun 15, 2011.

  1. 49544_deleted
    49544_deleted Member
    Does anyone know how I add color - say black - to some stl faces so they will print in color in the zcorp color process?

    Can this be done in Rhino?

  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    STL format (as used by Shapeways) won't support color.. switch to VRML or another color-supporting format.
  3. 49544_deleted
    49544_deleted Member
    Hi. Thanks.

    Do I just save out of Rhino as VRML or is it more complex than that?


  4. 49544_deleted
    49544_deleted Member
    Hi. Thanks again.

    Looks like I have the option to save as 1.0 or 2.0 and then I have checkboxes for Vertex Normals, Texture Coordinates and for Vertex Colors. Does it sound like any of these three should or should not be checked/

    Do you know if Shapeways can accept the zpr format?

  5. aeron203
    aeron203 Member
    Shapeways accepts VRML 2.0, no ZPR yet. Colors can be stored in the vertices or a texture map, but in your case, with flat colors, you are looking for vertex color only. Vertex colors will eventually be transferred to face colors, so color boundaries will not be maintained.

    You can also color your STL in Meshlab and Output a VRML. It is common to have to re-scale the file anyway, since VRML units are always in meters. You can do both in Meshlab.

    Simple Coloring: Filters>Color...>Vertex Color Filling

    Rescaling from mm to meters: Filters>Normals...>Transform:Scale, Enter 0.001
    Then (important) Filters>Normals...>Freeze Current Matrix
    Save as VRML (*.WRL)