A little FUD squid

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by stop4stuff, May 16, 2011.

  1. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Small Kraken in Frosted Ultra Detail

    Here it is for size - the arms are 1mm diameter, and overall length is 44mm.
    Large image here

    There is a difference between the top an bottom halves (a boundary line, as mentioned by other people about FUD)

    Large image here

    To try and acertain just what casues the boudary line, I first scratched at the surface with my thumbnail, the top half is smooth, the lower half is rough and marks easily. I also waved a lighter flame across the rough lower surface, the surface scratched more easily suggesting that there is either some chemical or thermal interaction between the wax support material and the acrylic print material during the printing process.

  2. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member

    The boundary line... is it that the wax support material is printed at a lower resolution (same as FD) and upsets the placement of the next layer of FUD???

  3. LincolnK
    LincolnK Member
    What ever is causing it, do you think it is something that can be fixed in an already finished print?

    Is it something that you think would show up in a mold if you made a silicon mold of your object?

    Awesome model by the way! I guess "great minds think alike". One of the models I made for FUD (that is supposedly on its way to me) is of an octopus.

  4. virtox
    virtox Active Member Moderator
    Perhaps try soaking it in hot water with some mild dish soap?

    Seemed to work for me, but then again I used square shapes ;)

    Last edited: May 17, 2011