Rhino question

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by summerized, Sep 25, 2010.

  1. summerized
    summerized Member
    Hi there!

    I've created this shape in Rhino, and as you can see, the back has been sliced off. I'm thinking of it as part of a necklace.

    All the back edges are raw, and I'd like to round the ends of them, so they don't begin to the wearer's skin. Some of the edges are kind of complex because multiple rods converge in one place.

    Ultimately, I want the shape and rounded ends to be one solid piece, so I can 3d print it.

    Any advice?

    Thank you,

    Attached Files:

  2. Dotsan
    Dotsan Well-Known Member
    Hi Spowell, I've been using Rhino for years, I suggest making a patch from the edge curves, and check the adjust tangency box or create fillets on the edges.
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2010
  3. summerized
    summerized Member
    Hi V,

    Thank you for your response.

    When I used the patch on a very straightforward edge/end, it works well. But when I'm trying to patch a more complicated edge/end, the result can be strange.

    When I select the patch command, and the dialogue box says "Select curves and points to fit surface through," if there is only one curve to select, the patch turns out well, like the one on the left. But if there are more than one curve to select, as with the edge on the right, the patch turns out weirdly, as you can see.

    Do you have any thoughts on how I can improve the result?

  4. summerized
    summerized Member
    I forgot to attach the image. Here it is.
  5. Dotsan
    Dotsan Well-Known Member
    Hi, I think you should experiment with adding a curve which you can use to give you the profile of your bulge and include it in your patch command. There can be tons of methods, it will take experimentation and persistence.

  6. summerized
    summerized Member
    Thanks V. I'll try it.
