Assembling models-Sticking models together

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by madz69700, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. madz69700
    madz69700 Member
    Hi people

    Im in the process of having a few components 3d printed.All the components are from white plastic.

    Can anyone suggest a glue,that would be best for attaching these together? It will be a display item only, so no load will be applied to it.

    Thanks in advance for any help!
  2. CybranKNight
    CybranKNight Well-Known Member
    Super Glue works just fine in my experience, you just have to keep in mind that because WSF is a rather porous material so you will probably need to use more glue to ensure a good bond as some of it will seep deeper into the parts.
  3. madz69700
    madz69700 Member
    thanks for your reply! will have a look t some good glue!
  4. rolandgs
    rolandgs Member
    I would love to see the results if you would be willing to share them. For science!