Hidden Hearts Open Pendant

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by kenforst, Jun 19, 2014.

  1. kenforst
    kenforst Member
    STEEL.jpg My pendant arrived the other day and I have to say I'm very happy with the result. I'm also glad to see I'm not the only one who has to go through a few iterations to get it right.
  2. EricHo
    EricHo Well-Known Member
    Neat design!
  3. kenforst
    kenforst Member
    Thank you for the kind words. That means a lot to me.
  4. numarul7
    numarul7 Well-Known Member
    To go from 1 2 3 revisions it is normal in design world.

    That it is the beauty of refining of a masterpiece!

    Think it like the final paint of a painter that change every part of the painting! :)
  5. kenforst
    kenforst Member
    Thank you, this is certainly an educational experience- it's almost addictive. And I understand the reference to painting. I've re-done a number of those, too.