Default image not being shown by default

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Gothampixel, May 23, 2014.

  1. Gothampixel
    Gothampixel Member
    After uploading a new image showcasing a different material I would like it to be the default image people see when they visit my shop. the new image is set as the default but it still shows the older image. When you click into the item the newer image is the first one shown but I want the newer image to be also seen in the shop view and other galleries or searches. I would like to avoid deleting the older image for fear of breaking any Pinterest or other external links.
    Is there a setting for a "Global Default Image"?

    In my Shop the Shell Wine Earrings should be showing the image of them in Alumide not the White, Strong , flex

    Anyone know how to fix this?


  2. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
  3. Gothampixel
    Gothampixel Member
    actually the images were updated days ago, the problem was that a default image would not update unless I updated the default material.
  4. Narada_Dan_Vantari
    Narada_Dan_Vantari Well-Known Member
    I reported this problem to support a month ago.

    I find the first picture in the stack (the first uploaded)
    tends to be the displayed one in the shop -
    (or vica versa I cant remember which way it goes).

    I suspect that it wont let me make a Render image into the default either.

    SW - please explain how you can have about 5 different issues
    with your product and shop image management
    ongoing for months ....

    Ordering products in shop inventory - sometimes works
    uploading product images - usually works
    setting default image - usually doesnt work
    setting default image in shop - usually doesnt work
    uploading new banner - works erratically
    uploading new shop logo - seems to be fixed in last couple of days
  5. FabMeJewelry
    FabMeJewelry Member
    We too experience difficulties with setting the default picture for models, also setting a new shop banner is impossible for a while now.

    When you set a material for the default picture problems occur sometimes, so why set the material ??
    Because when you do and people look at a picture, the material selector switches to the material as displayed in the picture :)

    Please fix the issues with setting the default image and maybe give us an option to set the order and fix the shop banner, this will make us super happy !
  6. UtorCase
    UtorCase Well-Known Member
    I am also experiencing this issue. I have set the default material, and the picture material the same! Still, the render image shows instead of the default image. Sent an email to SW lets see what they say.

    Here is an example

    FabMeJewelry I notice you are part of the Shapeways crew? Does that mean you are an employee? :)
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2014