Shop Logo not loading --06/06=FIXED!

Discussion in 'Shapeways Shops' started by KaiserXavier, May 1, 2014.

  1. KaiserXavier
    KaiserXavier Member

    I'm trying to upload my shop logo, but it doesn't even load into the page. I've tried jpgs and png in the specified size.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2014
  2. dstancel
    dstancel Member
    I'm having the same problem
  3. RolfGraham
    RolfGraham Member
    I got the same problem. :(
  4. Illogical
    Illogical Member
    Same here. I've also noticed that the account settings link seems to lead nowhere, which leads me to believe there were a few bits of code that were missed in the most recent site update.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2014
  5. My logo also will not load, it is the correct resolution etc
    I also tried .png and .jpg
  6. wgseligman
    wgseligman Well-Known Member
    I have to "me too" on this issue. I've checked the size of the .jpg file I'm uploading; the picture size is the recommended 220x165, and the file size is only 8KB. I have no problem changing my shop banner or adding product pictures. This is only a problem with the logo.
  7. kitcase
    kitcase Member
    Yep.. me also. Had to have a helpful Shapeways staff member fix it. I would like to update it now...but as they say, don't fix what ain't broke.
  8. wgseligman
    wgseligman Well-Known Member
    I spoke a bit too soon. The shop logo doesn't update at all. The banner updates on my shop settings page, but the banner displayed in the public view has not updated in the past 18 hours.

    Edit: after 21 hours, the banner updated. Still no change with the logo.

    Edit: I spoke too soon. 36 hours later, the updated banner still doesn't show in the public shop. It only shows up in my private view.
    Last edited: May 19, 2014
  9. superfungo
    superfungo Member
    Same issue
  10. SavIsSavvy
    SavIsSavvy Member
    I'm investigating and will be back in touch after talking with our team
  11. lobot
    lobot Member
    I'm in the process of setting up a shop and have experienced the same issue.

    I've sent a message to support regarding the matter. I have yet to hear back.
  12. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    With a bit of luck this will be fixed before the end of today!!!

  13. lobot
    lobot Member

    Awesome, thanks!
  14. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
  15. wgseligman
    wgseligman Well-Known Member
    You're getting closer, but the overall problem is still not yet fixed.

    The shop logo can now be uploaded, and displays on my shop settings page. But the display of that logo and the shop banner on the public shop page is erratic. At the moment, both my previous logo and previous banner display on my shop's public page. I've reloaded the page multiple times, cleared my browser's cache, and restarted the browser, all to confirm that the problem is not on my end. Occasionally I see the new images on the public page, but they revert to the old ones after a while.
  16. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    Are you still having the issue?
    Sometimes it takes a while before the correct picture shows up on all servers
  17. MayCrown
    MayCrown Member
    I'm having the issue. Nearly week and only I can see the right banner on my laptop.

    But not on my android phone, nor on my iPad.

    Best regards.
  18. superfungo
    superfungo Member
    Banners appear different when you are logged in vs what the public sees in your shop.

    Noticed a lot of bugs with uploading my shop avatar and banner. I can't remove my image or change it to the public.
    Last edited: May 30, 2014
  19. wgseligman
    wgseligman Well-Known Member
    I can confirm that my problem is unchanged, and that I'm having the same issues that supermungo has.
  20. superfungo
    superfungo Member