Modeling a Drill

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by Luxord52, Jan 27, 2014.

  1. Luxord52
    Luxord52 Member
    I create this thread in the event that someone may be able to lend a hand. I am attempting to model a drill in the shape of a cone, with a five turn spiral inset thread. My problem is in the creation of the thread. Using Blender I've been attempting to use curves to form the proper spiral, but to no avail, as for some reason unbeknownst to me, it inevitably twists on an axis I cannot control. I ask in case anyone here has had any luck creating a spiral that is viable for creating a drill thread.
  2. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    Good question - this might help here

    Anyway, a combination of Screw and then Simple Deform (Taper) would seem to be the way to go.
  3. stannum
    stannum Well-Known Member
  4. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    Nice one Stannum, much better.

    I haven't (until just now!) used either the Modifier or Edit Mode Tool method, but for the OP's purpose you are right, the Tool is better. It's great to learn this stuff.

    The link you give is to the 2.4 documentation, this is to the 2.6 doc and explains it a bit more fully, I think.