Folders for the "My Models" page

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by DBTops, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. DBTops
    DBTops Well-Known Member
    Organization is nearly impossible on shapeways once you've uploaded more than 1 page of models. I would like to see that solved with a folder option in the My Models area. It would help me keep track of groups of items, seasonal items, and items that have multiple sizes. So, how about it? Help me clean up the work space with some folders?

    If you like my idea show some support with a simple comment. Thanks.
  2. i8kermit
    i8kermit Well-Known Member
    Yes! I use Shapeways for far more than my own shop. I'd love to be able to categorize all models.
  3. DBTops
    DBTops Well-Known Member
    Thanks for the support, I think it's a great idea that deserves some attention.
  4. ProjectMobius
    ProjectMobius Well-Known Member
    I actually support this, I'm only on my second page for my models but sometimes I get annoyed having to scroll all the way down so I can get to next page. At least have the pagination on top as well as interim solution. But like you said it would be nice to categorize the models further just like the way we can categorize the ones that are for sale where shoppers can click on a category, say Vehicles, and they only see vehicles related models instead of going through pages of models (unless they want to)
  5. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    A simple solution could be to add a two or three letter code to the title or tags and use the search function on the 'My Models' page to return the models you're only interested in.


    [edit] p.s. an example of how this works is to search for cvcd in the search box at the top of every page, also works within the 'My Models' page.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  6. DBTops
    DBTops Well-Known Member
    That is a good solution, I am in the habit of cataloging my items like that now. Mostly with a prefix that makes them a collection of models. I would still like to be able to drag them around into folders, organization is still a nightmare for me on shapeways.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
  7. Bathsheba
    Bathsheba Well-Known Member
    The trouble with using Search for organization is that it doesn't persist correctly. Bathsheba models page -> search "murex" -> two models -> click into one of them -> back out -> BROKEN, should display the search results, but actually takes me back to the full list.

    I would love folders. Customers hate long unstructured lists, and they're not convenient for vendors either.
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2014
  8. GambaLabs
    GambaLabs Member
    Another trouble with using Search for organization is that AFAIK there is no option to exclude search results.

    Models made with my generators are uploaded to my shop so users could order them, and over time it becomes hard to find the models I uploaded manually which I need to maintain.
    If I could put the generated models in their own folders it would be very helpful.

  9. aryser
    aryser Well-Known Member
    I would support anything what helps to get e better organization of my models on shapeways. Folders, better sorting possibilities, private text/sorting fields, better search options, any possibility to cluster,...

    It would be really helpful for all designer and Shop owners.

    Has Shapeways any plans? ...