Hollow objects

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 2197_deleted, Jul 27, 2008.

  1. 2197_deleted
    2197_deleted Member
    If you make an object with internal cavities, what will be inside the cavities? Will it just be air, or might there also be support material inside it?
  2. pete
    pete Shapeways Employee CEO
    there will be either material or support material in the cavities. To prevent this you could make a small hole in the model to let the material out after building.

  3. 3220_deleted
    3220_deleted Member
    So would it be possible to make a light bulb, for example, with internal wirings and stuff? That would be cool with the Transparent Detail material. :cool:
  4. pete
    pete Shapeways Employee CEO
    hmm a light bulb? :)
    Not sure how you see that? But yes you can make a model with details within an enclosed space. So yes you could model a (non-functional) light bulb.
