2 x Shapeway Suggestions - hoping a SW employee can chime in

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Feedback' started by swinks, Nov 14, 2013.

  1. swinks
    swinks Active Member
    I am new to 3D printing and modelling with Solidworks - more mechanical items but not right up there in computer language which leads into Suggestion 1.

    Suggestions 1
    where you enter the description of your item in your shop, you may enter it with paragraphs etc for clarity but as soon as you save your item description is bunched together and it looks like crap and it will only scare sales away. I contacted the shapeways help line and was told to go and download another program to write my text and code it and then copy it - but it didn't work so gave up after a number of tries. Why can't you have the same setup as ebay and all the other sites, even here in the forum - paragraphs are recognised. It should be user friendly and easy for anyone in the one box.

    Suggestion 2
    again I think it could be beneficial for shapeways and the designers to show the total of purchases next to the model info in the shop like at Thingyverse as the more prints and purchases of a item - gives confidence to others and raises sales for the designer as well as shapeways.

    these are just my initial observations from a fresh set of beginner eyes, but interested if both can be introduced and what others thought as well and what employees of Shapeways thought

  2. UniverseBecoming
    UniverseBecoming Well-Known Member
    It uses RTF (Rich Text Format), but they don't have a built in RTF editor installed in the product editing interface, so you need to use an external editor. They'll eventually get one installed, but for the present I like to use this one.

    Yeah, that's one of the handful of things we shapers beat up on Shapeways about, marketing research data. They currently offer this, but in order for that to be useful one would need to set up a robot scraper and collect the data for a few months. Provided the server didn't automatically ban ones IP for data mining operations. :D
  3. MitchellJetten
    MitchellJetten Shapeways Employee CS Team
    I personally use www.html.am

    Simply write your text, click on "source" and copy the test to your description :)

    As for the other suggestion, are you referring to your own models or other shops?
    We cannot share the number of sales of other people due to privacy reasons.
  4. AmLachDesigns
    AmLachDesigns Well-Known Member
    Just use <p></p> or <br>.

    It's a pain, but not so hard...
  5. swinks
    swinks Active Member

    more the customer to see that the shop has proven a design with the item having been made, ensiles some confidence,

    if that is too exposing maybe a counter for just the shop saying they have sold say 15 items throughout the shop.
  6. swinks
    swinks Active Member

    cool I will try that
  7. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hey dutchorange,

    thanks for these! A better editor is already on the internal community wishlist, we'll keep promoting that idea.

    Like others said, we don't want to disclose sales information, but are always exploring ways to give a better indication of 'reputation' for each designer. I'm sorry I can't be more specific at this time.

    PS: I'm moving this message to our 'Suggestions' forum.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2013
  8. tebee
    tebee Well-Known Member
    Does the https://www.shapeways.com/feed not show every purchase ? If you where to write a script to scan it long enough, then you could work out what had been sold.


  9. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hmmm yeah I guess you could do that. I'm not sure the feed will goes back through our entire history though :)
  10. donquijote
    donquijote Member
    It's a bit tricky to go sure the enduser (we) don't crashes his whole product side because of some html stuff he didn't want to do (which can happen with web-html-editors (WYSIWYG) ;)
    So at the moment you can do some stuff in the description but not anything...
    But personally, i think tables would be useful in order to display several similar items or sets. ;)

    @bartv/shapeways: Let me recommend you tinyMCE as possible editor.
    You can customize it in the look AND feel (adding your own button, styles, some fancy javascript etc.).
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2013
  11. bartv
    bartv Member
    Thanks! I'll forward the suggestions.