interlinked 3d printing - clarification needed

Discussion in 'Materials' started by mdavisstudios, Oct 20, 2013.

  1. mdavisstudios
    mdavisstudios Member
    Can our uploaded designs be several parts interlinked, like a chain with several links, so when it prints the pieces are already and permanently linked together, but still loose?

    I know there are some designs like this available to purchase (i.e. results&materialId=5) , but some forum comments made me think this practice has been discontinued.


  2. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    It's still allowed. was featured in the last MakerFaire event that Shapeways attended.

    There are a couple of catches however:
    1) You can't do it in any of the metals, nor in ceramic. The printer can produce the geometry, but the post processing steps require solids.
    2) There is a One Million triangle limit on file uploads. A large, smooth model is going to quickly exceed the 1m triangle limit.
  3. mdavisstudios
    mdavisstudios Member
    thanks! too bad it's not allowed for metals, but this is good to know.
  4. Gijsraaf
    Gijsraaf Member
    So for example a pendant with a ring wich connects another pendant is not possible with metal..? Not even with bigger dimensions?