Stolen shipments are so frustrating!

Discussion in 'Customer Service' started by coolbutpointless, Oct 2, 2013.

  1. I'm curious how many other people have had their Shapeways order stolen after a UPS driver did something dumb as far as where they left the package when no one was home.

    I live in Brooklyn so, you would think it would be obvious that if you can't get into the building, don't leave the package. Unfortunately, the UPS delivery guy of late has been doing just that. My building is kind of half secure. There are two keyed doors to get into the lobby and by the mailboxes are two security cameras. The first of the two keyed doors(the outside door) doesn't latch closed fully unless you press it shut so, essentially, it's always unlocked(management claims there's no problem but that's another story).

    Of late, UPS deliveries haven't been making it inside past that second door which locks properly and are instead being left in what I like to call the "limbo" space between the outside door and the inside door. In the past month I've seen almost a dozen Amazon packages get delivered in this space.

    The few times I have returned from my trip to the corner deli after a package has been delivered, I find the boxes in the limbo space torn open, the contents either strewn about in disappointment because it was a large container of Creatine powder, or the box itself is there, the bubble wrap or packing peanuts strewn about but with no sign of its contents.

    I just had my first package from Shapeways stolen and, unfortunately, it was a pendant. Not an expensive precious metal pendant, just a simple bronze print. No sign of my package anywhere when I got home, so I check the tracking and it says delivered. I go downstairs and check again, look around, ask a few people, and finally realize what must have happened.


    So, I call UPS and they tell me to contact the shipper. So I email Shapeways last week on Friday night and get an email back yesterday saying the ball is rolling for a package track.

    I can't help but think all of this could be solved if there were a signature required for more expensive items. As it is, the pendant was for a costume which my girlfriend was putting together for NYCC and, while not having it for NYCC won't ruin the costume, it's a massive inconvenience as the money I paid is currently floating in limbo while someone someplace has my item and I'm left without enough time to have a second print made in time.

    Well, that's my crappy "stolen package" story. Anyone else got one they want to share/vent about?
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Fat UPS bickering thread already running in "Suggestions" - incidentally there are a few guys who are infuriated at their local
    driver recently requiring a signature (meaning they did not get their parcel as there was noone home). Check with your local
    UPS office if you can request this signature stuff for your own parcels. Or see if you can get some safer address to accept
    shapeways parcels for you (work, friend or the corner deli).
  3. stonysmith
    stonysmith Well-Known Member Moderator
    Not to start a flame war, but personally, I'd file a police report against the driver for aiding and abetting theft.
  4. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Not normally one to disagree with you, but what good would that do ? The driver may not have noticed that the outer door does not always lock properly (if even the landlord/manager does not acknowledge the problem), or at least he may credibly claim this. The most one could expect from a report would be alienating the very UPS drivers that he depends upon for reliable delivery.
  5. Innovo
    Innovo Member

    I think that, since the driver left it inside the building ''technically'' it's the building management's problem.
    The driver would certainly be accountable if it was left outside, not secured and in plain view.

  6. bartv
    bartv Member

    any news? Has this been resolved?

  7. roofoo
    roofoo Well-Known Member
    My UPS driver sometimes leaves my packages at a neighbor's house, who has the same house number but on a different street. It gets annoying, thankfully I live in a relatively safe neighborhood and my neighbor is honest and brings the boxes to my house. But UPS smashed the last order I got, it was like a sumo wrestler had jumped on it or something.
  8. Youknowwho4eva
    Youknowwho4eva Well-Known Member
    I was expecting an order, and at home was a box. I picked it up, and it was surprisingly heavy. So I go inside and inspect, it's from verizon instead of SW, and it has my next door neighbors address on it. So I do the neighborly thing, go over, and sure enough, there's my box on his step.