Check out our 2D photo-3D model technology and the amazing Shapeways' printing quality

Discussion in 'My Shapeways Order Arrived' started by 393887_deleted, Sep 28, 2013.

  1. 2d-3d & 3d printed sculpture.jpg no1.jpg View attachment 41798

    Here 3DforUS the unique technology we use allows us to create a 3D model from 3 digital photographs that you can upload from home. Your 2D photographs will firstly be transferred into a 3D model using our advanced computer technology. Our professionally trained artist will then sculpt the digital model by hand to add fine details to ensure we create a 3D model of perfect likeness. Thanks to Shapeways, the printing quality is AWESOME, the sculpture is so realistic.

    no2.jpg alex.jpg

    I got this idea when one of my friend want me to make a sculpture of himself to memory his graduation. I think there might be more people like to have a sculpture of themselves.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2013
  2. duann
    duann Member

    Are you using the Shapeways API to upload?
  3. No, I upload it manually......

  4. joie
    joie Well-Known Member
    How do you manage glasses?