Have a very basic question, hope can get your input

Discussion in 'Software and Applications' started by Ray_Zhou, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Ray_Zhou
    Ray_Zhou Active Member
    from Autodesk's array of CAD products, to Blender, openSCAD, Sketchup, or Sculprtis, which ones can use hardware acceleration from video cards?

    And when you do your modeling, do you usually use desktop workstations?
    I'm planning to get a mobile solution in the near future and wondering if I need to get a laptop with video card in the PRO arena, like NVS or Firepro series.
    I think I'll get to know more softwares in the future, so probably get a better hardware from the beginning will be useful?

    Please fill me in, Thanks!
  2. bartv
    bartv Member
    Hey Ray_Zhou,

    Assuming you mean hardware acceleration for displaying your models - yes, I believe all of the above support that. If you're talking about GPU rendering, I'm only familiar enough with Blender to answer that - Blender's Cycles renderer is fully GPU accelerated.

    I tend to, yes. But then again, I have a Macbook Air which isn't particularly fast, so I prefer to do modeling work on my iMac. Also, it's easier to work with Blender if you have a full keyboard. Then again, you can get super fast laptops with GPUs and a full keyboard!

    Yes, absolutely. It would depend though on how mobile you want to be - I personally don't like to carry a 17", 5KG laptop on my back ;)

    Hope this helps,
