software for COLOR BY FACE (for color printing)

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by 49544_deleted, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. 49544_deleted
    49544_deleted Member
    hi all.

    i have rhino 4 and rhino 5 as well as meshlab (which i have not worked with).

    i produced some models for the COLOR process using Materialize Magics many years ago and this process was a breeze. however, i am having a hard time getting software that will let me do this now that i don't have access to Magics any more.

    can anyone help me with whether Rhino 4 or 5 can do this or whether i should start working with Blender or how to get this done? the objects i have a simply single files that i want in ONE color.

  2. Sketchup allows you to color by face, then export to DAE for color prints. I'm not familiar with the others.