Short Edges

Discussion in 'Materials' started by 296132_deleted, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. I am trying to print a model I built in rhino, and I have uploaded it to the Shapeways and keep getting an error message without an actual description. I used the "meshrepair" function in Rhino and got this message, so i'm assuming this is the problem...but I don't know what it means... any ideas? Thanks!

    This is a bad mesh.

    Here is what is wrong with this mesh:
    Mesh has 4 extremely short edges.

    General information about this mesh:
    Mesh does not have any degenerate faces.
    Mesh does not have any non manifold edges.
    Mesh does not have any naked edges.
    Mesh does not have any duplicate faces.
    Mesh does not have any faces with directions different from the mesh as a whole.
    Mesh does not have any self intersecting faces.
    Mesh does not have any disjoint pieces.
    Mesh does not have any unused vertices.
  2. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Try viewing your stl or obj file with netfabb studio basic - the rhino message might be a red herring...
  3. I have fixed that issue, but something still seems to be wrong and shapeways is not accepting it. I have attached the STL file to see if anyone has some insight.

    Attached Files:

  4. mkroeker
    mkroeker Well-Known Member
    Have you tried netfabb yet ? I have no idea what your model should look like, but all I see is bits and pieces
    (more like points on a hook-shaped 2D curve) distributed over a huge range of coordinates, far away from the origin.
    I'd say your fix eliminated both the problem and the data...