Just how flexible is WSF?

Discussion in 'Design and Modeling' started by Tommy_2Tall, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. Tommy_2Tall
    Tommy_2Tall Member

    I know I could make some reference parts and place an order to answer this questions my self but I'm trying to get the guess-work out of my very first models.

    If someone could share their experience with WSF that would be great.

    How flexible/stiff is WSF plate with a thickness of 1mm, 2mm, 3mm, 4mm, 5mm, etc?

    How flexible/stiff are cylinders/square bars with those same thicknesses/diameters?

    At what width are they:
    [list type=1]
    [*] Flexible with no force applied (flexing of their own weight)
    [*] Flexible with slight force applied
    [*] Flexible with significant force applied
    [*] Unflexible and "woodlike"

    Can we (the community) make some sort of "flexibility matrix" that rates various basic shapes on that scale to help newcomers with little knowledge about WSF?
    (That would make the need for material reference models somewhat smaller :) )

    The reason I'm asking is because I'm trying to design a "living hinge" along the long side of a (stiff) lid that is appr. 5*100mm in area and I have no idea if 1mm for the hinge area and 2-3 mm for the lid will work.

    Another model I'm working on includes a square network of 1x1x10mm rods (square or subsurf'ed)..
    Will that be strong/flexible enough to keep stuff inside a small confined box or will it break if I just poke it gently with my fingers?

    How thin can you go designing a mesh/net wall, with regards to the "wall thickness" and "minimum detail"?
    Will the net be counted as details as long as the frame around it is 1mm or more?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2009
  2. Tommy_2Tall
    Tommy_2Tall Member
    I must have been blind or something..
    Completely missed the Tutorials page (https://www.shapeways.com/tutorials/) until yesterday and now I've found some answers, including a very good example of what happens when you make a bowl/sphere that only has 1mm wall thickness...
    So 1mm seems to be too thin in most cases?

    Some of my question remains though.. so pleeeease enlighten me! :cool:
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2009
  3. giorgio79
    giorgio79 Member
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2013