Suggestion: Shared Database

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by randomblink, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. randomblink
    randomblink Member
    I know there are some common items in the shared Database. Screws, nuts, etc. But it's still very small... I was wondering if there could be some sort of encouragement option where we could get modelers to work towards making more items and 'giving' them away.

    I just have a general idea... there would be MANY kinks to work out if everyone thought this was a good idea... this is just a foundation of an idea... it would NEED to be built upon.

    For instance... I would like to develop some pieces / attachments / etc for the iPhone / iPod Touches. This means I am going to have to create an iPhone model to scale and using exacting standards.

    It would be alot nicer if I could throw $.50 or $1.00 into a bucket (virtual one of course) and other people could too... then once someone create an iPhone, all of us could vote on the various models as examples and the one that gets picked get's the contents of the 'Bucket' as payment...

    They could put their name and a link to their store on the model listing, etc... that way they get paid, they get recognition, etc.

    This would encourage modellers to develop models, it would be a competition, it would expand the shared database, etc. You could even create a tiered-database... maybe the Free one that you have now... but to use gain access to models in the "Virtual Bucket Funded Group' you would have to donate to A Virtual Bucket of some kind...

    It would serve alot of purposes...
    [list type=1]
    [*] Fill up a decent sized database with models that are better used as references in model building (not many people could sell a 3D model of an iPhone here... at least I can't imagine many people buying a WSF or Stainless Steel iPhone, chuckle)
    [*] Encourage Modelers looking for a few bucks to enhance and compete with their skills
    [*] Encourage new memberships to the 3D Modeling community at large
    [*] Gives Shapeways more compettions to encourage growth.

    Just a thought... take it or leave it...
  2. robert
    robert Member
    This is a very inspiriing concept you are proposing. It is somewhat similar to the bounty programs for Open Source software.

    Any others with thoughts on this?


  3. 20622_deleted
    20622_deleted Member
    this seems more about making digital models that correspond to standardized objects in correct dimensions, etc.
    e.g. there might be a thing online that LOOKS like an iphone, but the model database would need to exactly match its actual dimensions.
    to me, for it to have much usefulness, it would have to be digital models (i.e. .stl files , etc) not just a shapeways thing, since if you are making an iphone dock for example, a digital model is perfect, import it, boolean intersect, slice the top off and you're done.
    having a shapeways printable iphone in a database doesnt help for anything other than printing an iphone.

    i like the idea of kick the tin for X

    e.g. you've got an order for $24 .... put the extra $1 into an iphone model, then whoever makes it gets a credit for the total of contributions.

    there would need to be a clear definition of who wins, as one person may make an inaccurate one first, and someone else make a perfect one later.. who gets the credit.. this may cause arguments, i suspect.

    i dont think this would even be specific to shapeways, but just that the application to 3d printing means that there is a very strong reason for it to exactly match the real world, rather than just look right.
    sounds like something that should already exist, but damned if i cant find an iphone model for under $40!!
    (although i did find interesting results for iphone blender... on youtube)
  4. randomblink
    randomblink Member
    I would disagree with you here.

    If I had the digital model for an iPhone, I could design clips and such to clasp ONTO the iPhone for developing cases, sleeves, etc. I could form fit to the various grooves and lines and indentions on the digital model and do the boolean to remove the pieces and voila, I have a clasp, clip, attachment, that fits.

    I've seen this used in other arenas as well and thought it would make sense in a digital environment like Shapeways.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2009