three parts to print

Discussion in 'Materials' started by bmsleight, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. bmsleight
    bmsleight Member

    I would like to order a printed cufflink. I have ordered similar before. Each cufflink has three parts, upper metal, middle plastic and lower metal.

    I want to order a set of two, total six parts. However if not all of the parts are printable - then I want to redesign them parts and re-order.

    How do I submit an order to be all or nothing ?
    Do I submit the metal parts as different models ?

  2. stop4stuff
    stop4stuff Well-Known Member
    Hi Brendan,

    Before ordering, you can ask Shapeways Customer Services ( to take a look at the model files. You would probably get away with the paired parts in one model fle as they are paired parts, but again the best option is to ask CS direct.


  3. bmsleight
    bmsleight Member
    Thanks Paul.