I’m your Community Manager and this means that it is my job to make Shapeways easier and more compelling for you while at the same time increasing the size of the Shapeways Community. Since I work for you, I’m going to ask for you to evaluate me. I am also going to ask for you to determine what the waking hours of the next three months of my life will be like and where we should be headed.  I am asking you to co-create my job & output as a Community Manager for the next three months.

  • What will my priorities be?
  • What will I work on?
  • What will I try to accomplish?
  • What elements of Shapeways need to improve?

I’m asking you right now to take this survey in order to tell me now.

How it will work:

The survey is based upon all the comments, answers, ideas, feedback, conversations and emails I’ve received from our community over the past months. I could not include everything but instead included the ideas, projects and suggestions that were mentioned the most often. In some cases regular feedback was not included because it is already being handled by another project or person. In some cases the feedback and ideas came from a relatively small group of people or even an individual. In these cases however these people’s considerable efforts for the Shapeways Community and/or their unique expertise in a relevant area warranted their inclusion.

The free form responses or feedback you will write in addition to the survey will be tabulated, mind mapped and will be added to the goals and projects I will undertake. If significant clustering does occur between free form responses I will add these to my list of projects, priorities or goals. 

I will divide up my time according to the priorities that come out of the survey. I will try to accomplish the goals set in the survey. A high score on the survey is no guarantee that something will happen, just that I will try my hardest to make it happen. There is also a personal 360 feedback element in the survey and I will try to either improve or stay the course with any and all information that emerges from that.

I want you to see me as your employee and I would like to be evaluated critically and fairly. 

At the end of the time period I will do an evaluation to determine how successful I was in meeting your goals and if we should repeat this. I’m not sure yet how and if we can make those results public but will try to do so.

The survey will require that you fill in the email address you use with your Shapeways account in order to verify that you are a Shapeways Community Member. I will not see these email addresses. This survey will take you approximately 6 minutes. It would mean a lot to me if you took the time right now to take the survey here.

Photographs by Dano and mbiddulph under a Creative Commons Attribution license.